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Joshua Slocum

Joahua Slocomb Memorial

Joshua Slocum Memorial

Fairhaven, Massachusetts

        Joshua’s single handed journey around the world, starting in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, with the rebuilding of the Spray is well described in several publications. In Fairhaven there is a stone slab monument marking the area, a meadow at the time, where the Spray was rebuilt and the journey around the world got its start. The journey began in Boston on April 24, 1895, and officially ended more than 46,000 miles later at Newport, Rhode Island, on June 27, 1898. 

        The site is well signed from I-195 exit 18 in Fairhaven, but in looking for the monument it we drove by it three times, and almost a fourth, before we found it. Not being sure what we were looking for, were looking to the sea side, not the land side, of the road. If you go Fairhaven to visit the monument, follow the signs (a right, a right, and a left). After you make the final left turn on to Pilgrim Avenue be prepared to stop before you get to the foot of the street. As you drive down Pilgrim Avenue you will find a grassy area about the size of two house lots on the right just before Pilgrim Avenue appears to make a 90 degree right hand turn at the end of the grassy area. The grassy area is Cooke Memorial Park, and the monument is located at near the end of the park, and you probably just drove by the monument. Pilgrim Avenue actually ends and intersects with Cherry Street; Pilgrim Avenue and Cherry Street form two sides of the park, the other two sides are bordered by fenced residential lots. The monument is a stone slab with a plaque to honor the 1988 centennial ending of his voyage. If you go to Google Earth, the memorial is located at 41º 38’ 47.81” north by 70º 54’ 37.01” west.

        There is also a memorial in the park to John Cooke, the last surviving male pilgrim of those who came over on the Mayflower; hence the name of the park. It is a memorial to the man and does not mark his burial place.

        There are several web sites either dedicated to, or with pages on him and the trip. I’ve listed several below, some have internal links to other sites. I know I’ve not listed all with references to Joshua, but if you have any favorites send them along to me and I'll add them in.

Millicent Library Slocum and Cook photographs
      http://www.millicentlibrary.org/cochran/page20.html (Slocum)

Millicent Library (Fairhaven, MA) Joshua Slocum Centennial Page

Briar Island

Joshua Slocum Society International

Spray Society of Australia

Captain Joshua Slocum home page

Slocomb Family Tree: Joshua Slocum
Last edited 23 April 2012 by
Walter Slocomb

Joshua Slocum Plaque


John Cooke Memorial

John Cooke Plaque


Cooke and Slocum Memorials

Cooke Park from the southeast corner